Making Headlines
Our mission is change the way Latinos and all minorities are portrayed in the media by securing high-level national media coverage for our clients.

Protesters call for gun reform, end to white-supremacist rhetoric after deadly violence
“Members of Congress can no longer look away as communities of color and religious minorities are murdered with impunity,” the statement reads. As she spoke, chants of “enough is enough” rolled through the crowd.

A Washingtonian Asks Silicon Valley Latinos: 'Please Tell Your Stories'
Mickey Ibarra -- whose own story is that of a son of an immigrant father and who spent a time in foster care -- spoke to a group of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.

The House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands
is holding a hearing which would establish a National Museum of the American Latino in the Smithsonian Institution
Lawmakers renew push to create American Latino Smithsonian museum
“Latinos have been contributing to the fabric of America from it’s earliest days, and yet we still don’t have a place on the National Mall to celebrate these contributions,” said Danny Vargas, chairman of the Friends of the National Museum of the American Latino.

Legendary television veteran Norman Lear was awarded the inaugural “Pioneer Award” by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) on June 2nd at the City Club in downtown Los Angeles.

Washington, DC Dolores Huerta Long Time Activist
Civil rights activist Dolores Huerta testifies at the first-ever Congressional hearing to establish the American Latino Museum
as part of the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute wants to build a pipeline to Hollywood
“I hope that they are believing, more and more, that you can put Latinos on air and be profitable, that they’re giving a chance to more scripts, more actors, more directors,” said Congressman Joaquin Castro.

America's First Queer Gym Removed Mirrors to Boost Inclusivity
The Queer Gym aims to address the needs of queer folk front and center. What is striking isn't how inclusive it is—but what its existence points out about how little other gyms understand queer identity. "Our mission is to make happy, healthy homos (and, yes, straight people can come too)," as Huerta put it in a promo video.

Norman Lear, 'One Day at a Time' Cast Reflect on Changing Opportunities for Latinos in Hollywood
"We have a long way to go in talking about race. We need to move forward in putting more cameras on Latinos, more families on the air," said iconic TV producer Norman Lear

Amid Lawsuits, Texans Brace for New Era of Immigration Laws
The new SB4 law allows local police officers to enforce federal immigration laws. LULAC National President Roger C. Rocha, Jr., said the intent of the lawsuit is to block implementation of SB4 as a “violation of multiple protections in the U.S. Constitution.”

Office to Aid Crime Victims Is Latest Step in Crackdown on Immigrants
"This just continues the campaign strategy Donald Trump emplyed to vilify immigrants & identify them with a small number of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants," said Brent Wilkes, CEO of LULAC.
I'm no 'anchor baby,' I'm LGBT gym owner Nathalie Huerta
Nathalie Huerta's innovative approach to fitness placed a focus on the transgender community well before the Caitlyn Jenner and Laverne Cox-inspired headlines of today.

Transgender Gym Transforming Lives
People preparing for gender reassignment surgery have found a welcoming community_at the gym. The Perfect Sidekick in Oakland, California has made a name for itself catering to the specific needs of the transgender community.